Another Time Another Place

As the lyrics of Another time, another place go... "Bright morning lights Wipe the sleep from another day's eye" Walking at Matheran and at Bhuigaon, one a hill station and another a sea side village, I see the common thread of grace and dignity running each day through the lives of local people. The work is physically hard, monotonous, the returns are meagre and sometimes non-existent. They do as routine what we do as 'adventure', but they are always pleasant, courteous and industrious. Done the washing It is morning on a beach at Bhuigaon, the sun is up and it is breeze-less hot, these ladies have just washed clothes and utensils, they walk home, chatting as they go, but they are not complaining. Early morning bikers have criss-crossed the beach with trails before the tide comes in to wipe the slate clean before yet another day. The lady from below This lady has carried a heavy load up to Matheran from a village in the plains below. She has wal...