Parvati Valley - snow clad mountains and smoke

The Parvati Valley Is one of the lesser known valleys near Kullu, however at the beginning there are prominent places like the hot water springs at Manikaran and Kasol, a smoky destination for the Great Indian Tourist. The areas served by a road are perpetually full of tourists seeking easy reach and harder stuff. On the other hand the places where one has to walk to are beautifully calm and isolated. A sketch of the Valley A schematic sketch shows the Burshaini bowl, the road goes upto Tosh whereas the other villages are on foot tracks. If one wants solitude, then walk... There is a large dam being constructed across the Parvati river at Burshaini, I wonder how this will affect the ecology when this is completed. Khalga under snow I found just the village - Khalga which was off the beaten track. Early March offers a very different experience, it had snowed a day prior to my arrival and a carpet of white covered everything. It was cold, most often bitt...