Flight of the Flamingos

Last Sunday a friend suggested we go to a tidal lake near Navi Mumbai and watch flamingos. It was a hot morning and 10 am in the sun is not exactly pleasant. Anyway loaded with water, binoculars and cameras we were by the water at 10 am. To our disappointment there were four flamingos in the lake. quite an anticlimax considering the distance we had driven in the heat. Anyway, as we were here we took a few desultory photos and were readying to leave....... .....when the young eyes of my friend saw a flock approaching in the distance, as the birds came closer, we identified them as more flamingos, in their hundreds...... ...The birds flew overhead and surveyed the site..... ....and came in to land. At first there were a few ..... ..... then the size of the flocks grew.... ..... then there were even larger flocks flying in...... ..... in their thousands .... ..... All flying in perfect formation, executing a circuit and landing.... ..... all of them executed a perfect cir...