Tadiandamol - a photojourney through the Sholas of Kodagu

The first view of Tadianamol Peak from the walking path Tadiandamol? Now where is that? It is only when I was atop this beautiful peak did the beauty of the Kodagu hills strike me. The highest peak in Kodagu (erstwhile Coorg), Tadiandamol stands proud in a cluster of hills near Virajpet. It is not much of a climb, about two and a half hours from the road head, but the views around are breath-taking. Marsh Crocodile all eight feet him him My lightning trip weekend trip started in Bangalore the day prior, three photographer friends and I started by car at about 7 am, by mid-morning we were in Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary. A bird photographer�s delight as the birds are close and the morning sun is behind one, beautifully illuminating the birds. It is wonderful to see many nesting birds including Open-billed stork, painted stork, herons and the ubiquitious spot-billed pelican. The many marsh crocodiles we saw were huge, 8 to 10 feet by my estimation, and the jaws are ...