Hitting the Shoal

One of my favourite spectacles underwater are the �bait balls,� conglomerations of small fish grouping together, tightly packed for protection from predators. These are especially common on the Cargo Wreck where thousands of fusiliers (Caesionidae) can be seen often in amorphous fluidity. Not exactly a bait ball, but a shoal of fusiliers heading past. Close up they are quite a beautiful fish They are especially prolific when there�s a bit of a current and some plankton in the water and while fascinating to watch by themselves, the action really starts when a few Bonito show up. These medium size tuna hunt in small packs of five to eight fish and are capable of simply jaw-dropping bursts of speed. There is nothing that can compare to the adrenaline rush you get watching these in action. I�d only seen these fish dead on a block of ice at a supermarket before I started diving so the speed and agility which these fish displayed was mind-blowing (I�m of course rapidly running out of super...